

welcome to the world of degenerati photography.

my name is Articia and I will be your guide.

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random photo dump…

hey all, I’ve been trying to get more photos and recently I’ve been able to succeed in doing so. I’ve just started one of those 365 photo projects sorta. I’ve joined a site, http://www.todaysphotois.com and am participating in this project in order to try to not just take one picture each day, but try to find a good picture in places i might never have looked before.

the pictures i post there might not be super artistic or all that great, but half the project is finding a new subject while the other half is improving your skills. so go check it out. in the meantime…..

Band Shoot

Some photos I shot of a friend’s band for some promo posters. Photos were shot at the local abandoned train station platform in Pinckney MI.

p.s. It’s been a while eh?

I have so many photos to post but none of them are edited since my desktop crashed and is still yet to be fixed. 😦

Fortunately, Meeshi has become more mobile which means that she and I will be able to go out more and hopefully get some good shots. I also plan on helping her break in her new office set up by bringing over my backlog of photos to edit and post so look for a real update in the near future!

Flowers and faces

Finally finished going through all the wedding photos.  I have another batch to post but I have to go through and make sure I get the photos I haven’t already posted.

until then….

here’s some random shots.

This shot is quite possibly my favorite shot of the day, at least in the top 5.

Sneak preview

Here are a handful of images from the wedding I shot last Saturday. I have hundreds more to go through so look for more posts like this in the near future.

p.s. please forgive me for the random order.

wedding shoot.

I’ve had a busy busy busy week with my new camera.

went to a nifty 50’s style diner in Flint and took some photos.

I shot my first wedding! 😀 I’m pretty impressed with lots of the photos.

I’ve baked cupcakes and taken some really cute pictures of those as well.

a few furry photos of my dogs.

basically, I have around 1000 images to sort through and pull some out to post so stay tuned!

heads up!

head’s up kids! I just got myself a shiny new sony alpha dslr.

be on the lookout for new photos.

and BTW, for any foodies out there, I’ll be starting up a food blog dedicated to the mis-adventures of Stephanie and myself in the world of food. With lots of photo documentation!!

Check it out at



I’m not quite dead yet!

life’s thrown me a few curve balls recently and it’s left me quite busy. I haven’t been able to pick up a camera and shoot anything worthwhile in quite some time.

here are a couple random images I shot of a friend while showing him how to use his new camera and a couple random shots of ava….

Recent inactivity…

I haven’t posted in a while, let alone made a photo update…this should hopefully be fixed soon. reasons for the lack of activity include such things as a tight budget and random schedule as well as some seasonal illness. I’m working on clearing everything up soon and getting back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Until then please feel free to review my older posts and photos and leave me comments, corrections, criticism or anything else you feel obligated to leave. And since you’re here, please take the time to fill out a poll so i have plenty of ideas for when I get back to work.