
Posts Tagged ‘music’

Some photos I shot of a friend’s band for some promo posters. Photos were shot at the local abandoned train station platform in Pinckney MI.

p.s. It’s been a while eh?

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I’ve had yet ANOTHER adventure in ann arbor. This time I met up with Meeshi and we went and kidnapped a friend of mine to use in some photos. We stopped first at one of the library branches and got some pretty nifty shots and then headed towards downtown to visit the spinning cube that will from now on me called the zombie cube because when it spins it sounds like there’s a very angry zombie inside. As we were shooting the zombie cube we heard huge shouts and screams and car horns blaring over a marching band. We headed in the direction of the sound and stumbled upon a huge crown of Obama supporters partying after the win. We snagged some shots and marveled at the chants and songs they sang and wondered if we missed the memo on the words cause they were tight!

anyhow, on to the photos!

all photos taken with canon rebel xti courtesy of Meeshi

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I’ve spent the last 4 days pet sitting for a friend and had not had access to the internet during that time hence the lack of updates.

I have yet to develop those shots from brighton (-1)

however, I did take some more shots, a whole 3rd roll of film to add to my develop que (+1)

I also had an adventure with Meeshi recently and borrowed her camera for some shots so hopefully I can get those from her soon and get them up here.

Goals for the next 7 days include developing 3 rolls of film, cleaning those photos up and getting them posted, snagging the shots from the other night with Meeshi and getting those posted, having another adventure with Meeshi and hopefully getting some good shots, planning some sort of impromptu halloween creep show shoot, and seeing what i can set up for the Six Shooter halloween bash.

Whew! i’m going to be busy!

Oh! I also have some shots from last month that i took on a friend camera that I need to get from her as well as cleaning up the rest of the shots on her camera since she’s slightly camera/computer/photoshop illiterate. heh. ^_^

I promise more updates soon but until then check out the new posts over at Meeshi Sense. Meeshi just put up 2 or 3 new sets that have some really fantastic shots in there!!!

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